So far, 2024 has been an extremely busy time for our team at CASS. As a group we have worked on numerous projects outside of our core contract dating back to October 2023 and have continued into this year. Most notably we have worked at LC21 & LC1supporting the GTAA with the baggage recirculation program, CASS staff would collect and sort bags that were not read or rejected by the baggage system and deliver them to their appropriate flight. CASS also provided numerous supports to the T3 EBS Construction project, deploying staff daily in a flexible manner supporting any areas of need in the baggage ecosystem of Terminal 3 at Pearson Airport. A few of our projects have come to an end and I would like to thank everyone who has helped us along with these projects. Thank you for all your support, we could not have completed our projects without you.
Every single member of team took pride in their jobs and role in the projects, no matter what the job was; whether it is watching and making sure doors close properly or guiding traffic on baggage road or offloading passenger bags in a timely matter or helping passengers with lost bags, you have made us all proud. I’m grateful for our new staff room which allowed us to celebrate birthdays, Family Day employee of the month and a place where we can gather and become a family. Special thank you to Jack and your amazing team; Antonia, Stephanie, Anne and Clovis who have hired, trained, and scheduled all these amazing employees to make CASS a success. And of course, a big thankyou to my supervisors; Jasdeep, Vikas, Ahmed, and Tony-Ann who are always there for me, you guys are awesome.
I can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store for CASS, I know we will meet every single challenge The CASS Way and shine bright!

CASS Baggage Handlers and real brothers – always a family affair at CASS

Christopher Mansueto - November Employee of the Month

Massimo Melillo - February Employee of the Month

CASS Team Lead Michael Catney getting his new CASS toque

Thumbs up from the CASS crew for this lunch

Harman & Osmond working together doing baggage testing

CASS Employee Jordan working T3 inbound international throw-in

CASS staff always enjoy a good meal together

CASS employee, Lady, happy to be getting a free sub and some candy!