To my team, your hard work and commitment helped us complete a successful 2023 Airside Season. I’m so grateful to have all of you with us. We need to remain resilient and stay focused on our objectives, no matter what challenges come our way.
Let’s continue to work together to create a plan and set achievable goals for the future. It is important we use this time prior to the start of the busy season to prepare ourselves to come out even stronger and achieve our full potential.
Please make sure you enroll in your necessary training programs prior to the start of the season. It is critical to have all our credentials to ensure our full complement of staff is ready to work.
We need to make sure our contractors and the GTAA have access to the resources they need from AAI. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you have questions about this upcoming season. Let’s work together to identify solutions and find the resources you need.
We are always open to new ideas and suggestions from our team. We recognize the value of everyone’s contributions and want to hear what you have to say. Everyone is invited to contribute their ideas and provide feedback on current projects & initiatives. Let’s work together collaboratively to bring our vision to life.
I know with the group of individuals we onboard we will once again prove AAI IS THE BEST.